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Winter Hardships Funding Programme in the UK

Winter Hardships Funding Programme in the UK

Deadline: 6-Jan-25

The Cardiff Third Sector Council has launched the Winter Hardships Funding Programme to help reduce hardships and winter pressures for people and communities across Cardiff.

The scheme will provide funding to voluntary groups wishing to develop sustainable projects and services that support vulnerable people and families to tackle the challenges that escalate during winter – such as fuel and food poverty, loneliness, and social isolation.

What are the key priorities for the Fund?
  • Proposals must demonstrate a need for revenue funding and:
    • provide information on the expected outcomes for beneficiaries
    • be sustainable after the funding ends.
    • be for preventative or innovative services or activities that respond to an identified need
    • particularly for traditionally excluded and disadvantaged people and communities.
    • contribute to healthy and confident communities – for example, by building on community assets, or involving volunteers.
    • could involve creative solutions – such as online platforms that support people to engage.
Funding Information
  • The scheme will provide funding of up to £1,500.
Eligibility Criteria
  • They are particularly keen to hear from groups looking to develop a sustainable model to support community-led action – such as creating, promoting, or developing warm safe and welcoming spaces – that help tackle the challenges of winter.

For more information, visit Cardiff Third Sector Council.

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