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U.S. Mission to South Africa: Annual Program Statement 2025

U.S. Mission to South Africa: Annual Program Statement 2025

Deadline: 14-Feb-25

The U.S. Mission to South Africa Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce its Annual Program Statement (APS) 2025.

Successful proposals will align with the strategic priorities of the U.S. Mission to South Africa. Their overall goal will be to develop and strengthen partnerships and knowledge sharing between U.S. citizens and South Africans, as well as institutions in both countries. Project activities must take place principally in South Africa. Proposals mostly focused on cultural activities (e.g. concert or other performances, festivals or similar events) without a significant linkage to advancing shared priorities are unlikely to be considered.

  • Connect U.S. and South African expertise related to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, focused on growth industries – particularly working in partnership with TVETs:
    • This initiative’s goal is to find innovative approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education, including in partnership with technical and vocational education and training institutions (TVETs), particularly in under-resourced and disadvantaged communities and schools and to populations overcoming historical challenges to accessing STEM education.
    • This initiative may also include projects designed to connect private sector employers with educational institutions to improve the employability of graduates in the STEM fields.
  • Develop or strengthen lasting linkages between U.S. and South African universities and other institutions of higher and technical/vocational education:
    • This initiative’s goal is to identify new efforts to create sustainable partnerships between higher education institutions especially TVETs/Community Education and Training colleges (CETs) to promote exchange on topics of priority; support student led exchange and cooperation – including related to entrepreneurship and media literacy; create new shared curricula; and focus on increasing graduate employability; increase and improve commercialization of recherche; etc.
    • Projects highlighting best practices in higher education governance policies and the role of governing bodies in developing academic programs to meet community needs are also welcome.
  • Strengthen U.S. government-sponsored exchange alumni networks and help alumni effect positive change in their communities:
    • This initiative’s goal is to strengthen networks and skills among alumni of U.S. government exchange programs to implement results-focused activities in their fields of expertise and that benefit their communities and share aspects of their U.S. experience.
  • Address awareness among key audiences about alternative and renewable energy technologies, their economic impacts, and the skills to navigate that professional sector, including supporting public education initiatives:
    • This initiative’s goal is to support upskilling of the next generation of professionals in this sector through the application of U.S. resources, technologies, curricula, specialists, etc.
  • Address the further professional development of fact-based professional media, particularly by connecting U.S. and South African community, citizen, and student journalists for meaningful exchange, cooperation, and learning:
    • This initiative’s goal is to improve media literacy and fact-based reporting particularly among community, citizen, and student journalists – and to encourage peer cooperation and engagement/network development among emerging journalists and community media outlets. Activities may include professionalized reporting and the practice of accurate citizen, student, or community journalism, among others.
  • Strengthen Democratic Governance and Promote Civic Engagement for Broad-Based Participation:
    • This initiative’s goal is to increase citizen understanding of and participation in their democracy through civic engagement and education initiatives, as well as to strengthen South African efforts to build up public administration and accountability, reduce corruption, and improve institutional capacity to fulfill governance and human rights commitments, all through partnership and the sharing of experience and expertise between Americans and South Africans.
  • Broaden Entrepreneurship Skills to Expand Economic Opportunities:
    • This initiative’s goal is to increase support for entrepreneurs that work with women, youth, and historically underserved communities by creating connections with American peers and experts to share resources, innovative techniques, and other tools to strengthen and grow their business while expanding their networks and markets.
  • Advance Social Cohesion:
    • This initiative seeks to empower communities with platforms for dialogue, collaboration and capacity building.
Funding Information
  • Total available funding $200,000
  • Award amounts: under $25,000 (Amount of each award and total number of awards will depend on availability of funds)
  • Number of awards anticipated: up to 10 (depending on proposal amounts)
  • Length of performance period 12 to 24 months.
Ineligible Projects
  • The following types of projects are not eligible for funding:
    • Projects relating to partisan political activity or advocacy
    • Projects solely dedicated to research
    • Charitable or development activities
    • Activities with a profit motive
    • Construction projects
    • Support for social or health services
    • Projects that support specific religious activities
    • Fund-raising campaigns
    • Lobbying for specific legislation or projects
    • Projects intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of the organization
    • Projects that duplicate existing projects
    • Travel to the United States for family or social purposes
    • Travel to the United States for purposes of amplifying South African cultural initiatives
    • Travel to the United States for purposes unconnected to a larger project or initiative
    • Scholarships or tuition assistance
    • Events of a purely social nature
    • Prizes and competition awards without a programmatic linkage
Participants and Audiences
  • Project activities must principally take place in South Africa and be directed at South African audiences/participants. Proposals should specify the main geographic location(s) of the project. They welcome proposals that reach multiple provinces or engage in areas outside the metropolitan areas of Pretoria, Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town, including townships, rural areas, and other historically underserved areas.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Only non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. This includes civil society/non-governmental organizations, non-profit public and private educational institutions, non-profit think tanks, etc. South African applicants with a proven track record may be given priority.
  • Applicants may be asked to provide proof of their non-profit status if such status is unclear to the selection committee.
Ineligibility Criteria
  • Proposals from for-profit entities will not be considered.

For more information, visit Grants.gov.

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