Deadline: January 8 or 22, 2016
There are over 1,000 full graduate scholarships available for courses starting in 2016-17. Full scholarships will cover your course and college fees and provide a grant for living costs. For over 70% of Oxford scholarships, nothing more than the standard course application is usually required. If you fulfill the eligibility criteria, you will be automatically considered. The vast majority of Oxford scholarships are awarded to applicants who submit their course application by the January deadline
You will be considered automatically for these scholarships if:
- You are applying to start a new graduate course;
- You submit your course application by the relevant January admissions deadline;
- You are subsequently offered a place after consideration of applications received by the deadline;
- Your application is not placed on a waiting list or held back after the January admissions deadline to be re-evaluated against applications received by the March admissions deadline; and
- You meet the eligibility criteria.
Scholarships are awarded for following programmes as follows:
- Oxford-Ko Graduate Scholarships: Chinese Studies
- Oxford-Mary Jane Grefenstette Graduate Scholarships: Computer Science or Philosophy
- Oxford-Mitsui & Co. Europe PLC Graduate Scholarships: African Studies
- Oxford-NaturalMotion Graduate Scholarships: Zoology
- Oxford-Nicholas Bratt-St John’s Graduate Scholarships: Social Sciences
- Oxford-Prince’s Foundation Graduate Scholarships: Sustainable Urban Development.
- Oxford-Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships: All 1+1 MBA programmes
- Oxford-Radcliffe Graduate Scholarships: To be confirmed
- Oxford-Robert and Soulla Kyprianou Graduate Scholarships: All within Brasenose College
- Oxford-Rokos Graduate Scholarships: to be confirmed.
- Oxford-Swire Graduate Scholarships: All within the Faculty of History
- Oxford-TrygFonden Graduate Scholarships: Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation; MSc in Education, with a speciality in Research Training; Education, with a speciality in Child Development and Education; Experimental Psychology; Psychological Research; Criminology and Criminal Justice; Psychiatry; Primary Health Care; Criminology, Education, Experimental Psychology, Primary Care Health Sciences, Psychiatry and Social Policy and Intervention; Social Sciences or Medical Sciences.
- Oxford-Wolfson Ancient History Graduate Scholarships: Ancient History, preferably with a focus on economics and banking
- Oxford-Wolfson Min Sunshik Graduate Scholarships: Oriental Studies, specialising in Korean Literature
For details on these scholarships, visit Oxford Scholarship lists.
For more information, visit Oxford Graduate Scholarships.