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Open Call for Remembering our Shared History Program 2025 (Luxembourg)

Open Call for Remembering our Shared History Program 2025 (Luxembourg)

Deadline: 4-May-25

The Public Diplomacy Section (PD) of the U.S. Embassy in Luxembourg, U.S. Department of State, announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out programs strengthening bilateral ties between the United States and Luxembourg on Remembering our Shared History.

The U.S. Embassy Luxembourg invites proposals from non-governmental organizations, think tanks, government institutions, academic institutions, and individuals for programs strengthening the bilateral ties between the United States and Luxembourg and Remembering our Shared History, including, but not limited to:

  • Programs that highlight significant WWII events, ‘untold stories’, and any elements of U.S.-Luxembourg collaboration that provide unique context, perspective, and meaning to the long-standing alliance between the Unites States and Luxembourg.
  • Programs focused on youth and youth education to ensure the memory of WWII is not forgotten by the younger generations in Luxembourg.
  • Programs that foster truthful recognition and remembrance of the tragedies of the Second World War and particularly the Holocaust
  • Program activities such as historical/cultural exhibits, film screenings (movies/documentaries) and lecture series, book discussions, various mediaplatforms (broadcast media, social media, etc.) and other types of public outreach campaigns.
Funding Information
  • Award Ceiling: $15,000.
  • Award Floor: $3,000.
  • Program Performance Period: Proposed programs should be completed in twelve months or less.
Ineligible Funding
  • Trade Shows,
  • Programs relating to partisan political activity,
  • Charitable or development activities,
  • Construction programs,
  • Fund-raising campaigns,
  • Scientific recherch,
  • Personal use,
  • Academic scholarships (undergraduate or postgraduate),
  • School field trips or excursions,
  • Lobbying for specific legislation,
  • Programs intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of the organization,
  • Programs that duplicate existing programs, or
  • Alcohol.
Eligible Projects
  • Examples of programs include, but are not limited to:
    • Professional and academic speaker programs, lectures, and seminars
    • Professional and cultural exchanges and projects
    • Public messaging campaigns using social media, video, and new media
    • Cultural and fine arts programming, to include cultural performances, workshops and engagements based around dance, theater, music, poetry, youth competitions, the plastic and other fine and performing arts
Eligibility Criteria
  • The following organizations are eligible to apply:
    • U.S. or Luxembourgish not-for-profit, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations.
    • Public and private educational institutions.
    • Public international organizations and governmental institutions.
    • Individuals
Review Criteria
  • Each application will be assessed and rated based on the evaluation criteria outlined below:
    • Quality and Feasibility of the Program Idea: The program idea is well developed, with detail about how program activities will be carried out. The proposal includes a reasonable implementation timeline.
    • Organizational Capacity and Record on Previous Grants: The organization has expertise in its stated field and has the internal controls in place to manage federal funds. This includes a financial management system and a bank account.
    • Program Planning/Ability to Achieve Objectives: Goals and objectives are clearly stated, and the program approach is likely to provide maximum impact in achieving the proposed results.
    • Budgets: The budget justification is detailed. Costs are reasonable in relation to the proposed activities and anticipated results. The budget is realistic, accounting for all necessary expenses to achieve proposed activities.
    • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: Applicants demonstrate they are able to measure program success against key indicators and provides milestones to indicate progress toward goals outlined in the proposal. The program includes output and outcome indicators and shows how and when those will be measured.
    • Sustainability: Program activities will continue to have positive impact after the end of the program.

For more information, visit Grants.gov.

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