MSF recrute 01 Profile Manager
General context
Médecins Sans Frontières is an international independent medical-humanitarian organization, which offers assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict, without discrimination and irrespective of race, religion, creed, or political affiliation.
Job general objective and context
The Profile Manager is hierarchically accountable to the Coordinator for Strategic Positions in Pool Management Service and aims at contributing to guaranteeing the presence in the MSF OCBA missions of the necessary professionals based on quality and quantity needs in the short, mid and long term. This will be achieved by managing a pool of professionals matching the Organisation’s requirements.
Main responsibilities and tasks
- Development of his/her Pool based on Operational Needs
- The Profile Manager is the professional in charge of developing a pool of International Mobile Staff (and Locally Hired Staff holding field coordination positions) aligned with the Operations needs in MSF-OCBA.
- Ensure the availability in the Organisation of people having profiles matching operational needs, ready to be deployed in the field, while coordinating with Operation department to know and anticipate needs.
- Design and implement strategies to build the HR capacity needed for short, medium and long term.
- Ensure the quantitative and qualitative follow-up of his/her pool and analyse it accordingly so as to anticipate future recruitment, selection and development needs.
- S/he will be responsible for designing and applying the retention strategies and policies defined in the unit and the HR department and measure the results according to the indicators set.
- Guarantee the follow-up and development of International Mobile Staff (and Locally Hired Staff holding field coordination positions) within the Organisation with future insight in terms of future missions based on Operational needs.
- Identify transversal development needs of the pool based on current gaps of capacities or foreseen future needs in Operations.
- Ensure proper link and synergies with the operations department to ensure the development of specific strategies for FCs induction & development.
HR Development and Career Management
- The Profile Manager is the reference person for the International Mobile Staff (and Locally Hired Staff holding field coordination positions) in terms of Development and Career Management of our HR in MSF-OCBA.
- Follow up together with the REHUCO that International Mobile Staff (and Locally Hired Staff holding field coordination positions) receive the evaluations & upward feedbacks required.
- Identify the development needs of each person of the pool in terms of competencies, languages and technical skills coming from evaluations and regular feedback from cells.
- Support each person of the pool to assimilate the improvement areas detected and define plans together with the people in the pool to improve these areas and also to reinforce their strengths.
- Follow and be in contact with each person of his/her pool and support their professional development, orienting their career path within the Organisation based on the individual interests and the organizational needs.
- Support and revise the trainings offered by the Learning Unit to check if they correspond to the needs of the pool and operations.
- Ensures people in the pool are aware of the individual support offer like mentoring or coaching.
- Invest development efforts based on the commitment to MSF, performance and potential/interest in critical positions of each person of the pool, giving priority in terms of development to people under Long-Term Commitment packages.
- Ensure proper communication with other pool managers to proper follow up people with potential in the career path, both people growing to FC and from FC to HoM.
- Participate in the BFs to ensure the deployment is happening correctly.
- Debrief the pool at the end of assignment, focusing on their future professional motivations and the reinforcement of their development challenges.
- Be the liaison with Behavior and HR conflict management Unit to ensure members of the pool are aware and adhere to OCBA Behavior Frame.
- The Profile Manager is responsible for searching, identifying and appointing the people to fill field vacancies, seeing in turn to the development of a career path for the International Mobile Staff (and Locally Hired Staff holding field coordination positions) throughout their professional life in the Organisation.
- Based on the Annual Plan drawn up by the HR Management, propose candidate well in advance to the cells with proper presentation of the candidates and the reason behind the proposal.
- Follow up the closed matching with the HR reference officers in the Operational Cells (Rehucos), Staff Health Unit, Travel Unit and Administration so that departure to the mission can be accordingly organised.
- Ensure communication / consulting with other profile managers about common positions in order to appoint the candidates best suiting the job requirements and ensuring a global team view of the balance in projects & coordination teams.
- Guarantee that all the candidates pre-matched have access to the information about the position, project, living and working conditions.
Interaction with the Recruitment Unit - The Profile Manager is responsible for setting the priority needs for the Recruitment Unit in terms of recruitment and selection of external coordinators International Staff for his/her pool well in advance so as to ensure enough HR having the qualifications, training and competencies needed to address operational needs. As well as, he/she coordinate with relevant PM and the Recruitment Team in the development of attraction strategies for these profiles to achieve the previously established objectives.
Interaction with other OC’s and Partner Sections - Jointly with the Head of Unit, define, follow and ensure the achievement of in the HR agreement with Partner Sections.
- Coordinate with the pool managers of the others OC’s , sharing needs, information and resources when needed and possible,
- Coordinate with the Career Managers in the Partner Sections to increase the people from other PS engaged with OCBA operations. Collaborate with CM in the follow up of the development needs and career management of these people.
Other tasks:
- Actively participate in the validation process of people entering the pool.
- Participate in the department and unit planning as well as in defining and/or adjusting the MSF Spain /OCBA HR policy.
- Actively participate in onboarding or induction process if needed.
- Participate as a facilitator in training courses and workshops organized by MSF Spain/OCBA if needed.
- Participate in the implementation of outplacement policies for MSF SPAIN /OCBA International Staff within the MSF Policy framework.
- Keep information about availability and qualification of the candidates up to date on the SAP database.
- Depending on team needs the position can also take care of some small pools.
- Assume the backup of other colleagues during absences (holidays, sick leaves, etc).
Selection criteria
Education and experience
- Field experience with MSF in various projects (any section) in coordination position, such as PMR/deputy MEDCO, MedCo. (Compulsory).
- Background of medical doctor or nurse.
- Provable education and / or experience in HR desirable.
- Expertise in the use of basic HR management tools (job descriptions, evaluation tool, competency model, etc)
- Good command of English and French. Spanish language desirable.
- IT knowledge as a user (Microsoft Office setting).
- Knowledge / experience in ERP/SAP systems will be a plus.
- Positions based in any MSF-OCBA Hub (Barcelona, MSF-Spain office delegations, Amman, Dakar, Nairobi or Bogota). Final location will be subject to the employability of the preselected candidate (residency, work permit, etc.).
- Duration: permanent contract with a minimum commitment of 3 years.
- Full time job.
- Annual gross salary: HQ 4A level (divided into 12 monthly payments) + secondary benefits based on MSF
- OCBA Reward Policy. Subjected to local conditions.
- Starting: As soon as possible.
How to apply
To apply, please follow the link below and submit your CV and cover letter.
Closing date:28th of January 2025, 23:59 CET (Central European Time).
MSF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, race, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. We are committed to achieving a balanced gender distribution and therefore encourage women to apply.
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. MSF provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, integrity and a healthy balance of work and life. MSF does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo reference checks.
Médecins Sans Frontières, as a responsible employer, under the¨Ley General de la Discapacidad de 2013 (LGD)¨ invite those persons with a recognized disability and with an interest in the humanitarian area to apply for the above-mentioned position.
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