Grant Opportunities

Innovia Foundation Community Grant Program (United States)

Innovia Foundation Community Grant Program (United States)

Deadline: 10-Jan-2025

The Innovia Foundation is pleased to announce the Community Grant Program to make funding decisions that accommodate changing needs and capitalize on timely and compelling opportunities in the 20-county region.

Program Areas 
  • Innovia Foundation invests in organizations that address one or more of these impact areas:
    • Health and Wellbeing: Meeting basic human needs, including food, shelter, access to health care, and mental health support. 
    • Education and Youth Development: Opening doors to success for children and adults by ensuring they have access to education and the support needed to learn, grow, and thrive. 
    • Economic Opportunity: Reducing barriers to economic opportunity, security, and/or mobility for low-income individuals and families, and supporting community economic development activities. 
    • Quality of Life: Increasing access to amenities like parks, trails and community gathering spaces; supporting programs that address well-being of pets and wildlife; conservation and environmental programs. 
    • Arts and Culture: Supporting the arts as economic drivers, educational assets, civic catalysts, and bridges between cultures.
Funding Theme: Youth Engagement 
  • In partnership with local community partners, Innovia annually identifies a Community Grants funding theme. While they are committed to funding projects across all the impact areas, when possible, they will prioritize proposals that align with the annual theme. This year’s theme is Youth Engagement, with an aim to increase opportunities for young people to participate in community events and activities that build relationships and decrease isolation.
Funding Information
  • Grant awards are for one year from June 1, 2025 – May 31, 2026. The maximum award amount is $15,000, with most grants in the range of $ 7,500.
  • Early Bird Incentive: Organizations that submit their application by January 10 will be automatically entered into a drawing to receive a $1,000 grant for general operating support.
Grant Types 
  • Organizations may request a Community Grant for any of the following project types. Requests should align with one of these five impact areas as stated above: Health and Wellbeing, Education and Youth Development, Economic Opportunity, Arts and Culture, or Quality of Life.
    • Project/Program support – to adapt/expand an existing program or develop new programming in response to a current challenge or opportunity. 
    • Capital projects/equipment
      • This could include, but is not limited to, technology, furnishings, equipment, or building construction or renovation. 
    • Capacity building
      • To help strengthen and stabilize an organization’s governance or operations such as:
        • Strengthening governance, leadership, or staff expertise 
        • Restructuring business models and accounting practices to improve organizational stability 
        • Developing and implementing long-term strategic plans 
        • Refining communications, marketing, and outreach
        • Improving volunteer recruitment, training, and engagement 
        • Acquiring or improving impact measurement tools and program evaluation capacity
What they will not fund?
  • Debt retirement, operating deficits, or after-the-fact support 
  • Academic or scientific research 
  • Direct or grassroots lobbying 
  • Annual fund appeals and contributions to endowments 
  • Re-granting programs 
  • Litigious activities 
  • Organizations that are headquartered outside of Innovia’s 20 county service areas 
  • Programs requiring participation in or adoption of any specific religious practice or belief 
  • Applications from faith-based organizations, unless the program is open to all members of the community (not just members of the faith community applying for funding).
Eligibility Criteria
  • In order to be eligible, applicants must be a public charity with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; a federally recognized tribe; or a public entity such as a school district, municipality, or unincorporated group or association. In certain cases, grants can be awarded to non-501(c)(3) organizations for charitable purposes.
  • In all cases, the applicant organization/program must have a clear charitable purpose. 
  • Applicants cannot have any delinquent reports for previous grants awarded through all Innovia Foundation’s grant programs.
  • Innovia Foundation competitive grants are awarded to organizations providing services within the 20-county region served by the Foundation. (Eastern Washington Counties: Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Lincoln, Spokane, Adams, Whitman, Columbia, Garfield and Asotin. North Idaho Counties: Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah, Latah, Nez Perce, Lewis, Clearwater, Shoshone and Idaho.)

For more information, visit Innovia Foundation.

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