IBA Legal Internship Program 2016 (Paid)- London, Hague & Washington D.C

IBA Legal Internship Program 2016 (Paid)- London, Hague & Washington D.C

Deadline: Varies with Location

International Bar Association is offering paid legal internship programmes to students. Intern positions are available for undergraduate law students, postgraduate law students, and newly qualified lawyers at the International Bar Association’s offices in London and Washington DC.


  • The IBA will pay research expenses such as trips to libraries, etc.
  • Interns are responsible for finding their own accommodation.
  • The IBA Educational Trust is granting funding (to a maximum of £1500 each) in the London office to students who would not otherwise be able to take up the position due to financial constraints. Priority is given to applicants from developing countries, but other applicants will be considered. The IBA Educational Trust is granting funding (to a maximum of €2000 each) in the Hague office to students who would not otherwise be able to take up the position due to financial constraints. Priority is given to applicants from developing countries, but other applicants will be considered. There is no funding available for internships in Washington DC at this time.


This is open undergraduate law students, postgraduate law students, and newly qualified lawyers. Note that all offers are conditional upon ability to satisfy immigration requirements.  If your visa application is declined, there is little that the IBA can do to help and you would be unable to take up your position.

How to Apply

Send the following explaining your interest in the IBA Internship Programme (addresses below):

  1. Application form (you must save this form to your computer before filling it in):
    Application Form For IBA Internship-London
    Application Form for IBA Internship Washington DC
    Application Form For IBA Internship-Hague
  2. Full Curriculum Vitae (CV / resume)
  3. Covering letter – this should set out the following:
    – Why you wish to be considered for an intern position
    – The dates you would be able to take up your position
    – Specific research experience and areas of law that you are interested in
  4. Writing sample* – The writing sample could be a legal essay that you have written for your college degree programme or a report that you have written on a legal topic of interest. Sample must be in English only and not more than 4-5 pages in length. Because of the nature of the internship placements, much of the work will involve writing reports, letters, or assisting in the preparation of academic articles. The writing sample is useful for us to see how you structure a piece of written work and how you form and support an argument.
  5. Letter of reference – a letter from an academic tutor or employer mentioning your academic background, personality and suitability for the internship programme. This should be sent directly by your referee. If you are applying for funding, your academic referee should state their opinion on your eligibility to receive a grant as part of their overall reference.

To find out what former interns are now doing, please look at the Intern Alumni pages.

Applications, reference letters and questions regarding London internships should be sent via e-mail tointernprogramme@int-bar.org or by post to:

Mrs Ele Dexter
Intern Programme Manager
International Bar Association
4th Floor, 10 St Bride Street
London, EC4A 4AD
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)20 7842 0090

Applications, reference letters and questions regarding  Washington DC internships should be sent via e-mail to sosseh.prom@int-bar.org or by post to:

Ms Sosseh Prom, Program Associate
International Bar Association, North America Office
1667 K Street NW, Suite 1230
Washington, DC 20006

Phone: +1 202 827 3274

For more information, visit IBA Legal Internship Programme or see FAQs.

Got any thoughts or questions? Let us know! Your Comments are Welcome

Important Dates


Intake for internships in London Closing date for applications
4 July to 30 September 2016 26 February 2016
3 October to 30 December 2016 27 May 2016
3 January – 7 April 2017 26 August 2016
Intake for internships
Washington DC
Closing date for applications
4 April – 29 July 2016 Rolling basis
Intake for internships in The Hague Closing date for applications
20 June – 18 September 2016 1 March 2016
19 September – 31 December 2016 15 June 2016