Grant Opportunities

Ekhaga Foundation Grants to promote Human Health

Ekhaga Foundation Grants to promote Human Health

Deadline: 20-May-24

The Ekhaga Foundation is offering grants to promote human health by working for the development of better food, natural medicines and healing methods, as well as supporting research for a healthier way of life, which in itself can have a disease-preventing effect.

Purpose of Ekhaga foundation
  • A central idea is to focus more on preventive active healthcare than on reactive symptom-fighting healthcare. The same applies to the agricultural and food sector, where the focus should be on seeking methods that can prevent various problems from arising instead of focusing on their manifestations. The focus should not be on fighting problems but on finding methods to prevent their occurrence.
  • The foundation preferentially supports certain special research areas.
    • Better and healthier food
      • The foundation therefore supports research and development based on the principles of organic and biodynamic food production or other methods and directions that work towards this goal.
    • Nutritional physiology and lifestyle
      • The foundation therefore supports research into the role of diet in the treatment of diseases and the strengthening of the body’s resistance.
    • Naturopathy and natural medicines
      • The foundation sees that support for this area of ​​research today can be extended to also include other medical research where the mindset is to make use of natural methods and medicines, and which can, for example, go under the names complementary, biological or alternative medicine.
Funding Information
  • There is no maximum ceiling for the amount of funds that can be applied for in an application. However, they would like to point out that the foundation’s annual distribution framework in recent years has been in the range of SEK 10-20 million. Usually there are about 10 projects that receive funds.
  • The main focus must be on scientific research and then primarily applied research. Even basic research in, for example, molecular biology or genetic research can be supported if it clarifies causal relationships that can be considered to be of direct value for further research within the foundation’s purposes.
  • In addition to grants for scientific research, the foundation can grant funds to a smaller extent to projects that intend to put research findings into practice, e.g. educational activities, documentation projects, book projects or conferences. It is also possible to apply for grants for research meetings with the aim of bringing together larger collaborations. However, these applications must contribute to a development in line with the foundation’s purposes.
  • The foundation also welcomes applications for planning grants to, for example, organize seminars/workshops within the issue that applicants want to investigate in order to get a better basis for a definitive application (which can also be directed to other grant providers) and as part of a dialogue between researchers and the foundation’s scientific council.
  • The foundation primarily wishes to support strategic and innovative projects of a pilot nature, as well as research with high news value, which does not merely confirm previous findings. The foundation also supports participant-driven projects, where, for example, farmers and researchers work together to identify research questions and methods and jointly evaluate the results.
  • It is possible to apply for scholarship funds from the foundation, but this is usually only granted for research-related projects. The foundation does not finance basic education.
  • The Ekhagastiftelsen does not support projects of an aid nature where, for example, it is intended to promote community functions or carry out training.

For more information, visit Ekhaga Foundation.

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