Grant Opportunities

Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program: Implementation Grants (United States)

Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program: Implementation Grants (United States)

Deadline: 1-Apr-24

The Environmental Protection Agency has announced a grant program to implement GHG reduction programs, policies, projects, and measures identified in a PCAP developed under a CPRG planning grant.


Crafting Compelling Proposals: Winning Grants and Investments

Program Goals and Objectives
  • Implement ambitious measures that will achieve significant cumulative GHG reductions by 2030 and beyond;
  • Pursue measures that will achieve substantial community benefits (such as reduction of criteria air pollutants (CAPs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)), particularly in low income and disadvantaged communities;
  • Complement other funding sources to maximize these GHG reductions and community benefits; and,
  • Pursue innovative policies and programs that are replicable and can be “scaled up” across multiple jurisdictions.
  • The CPRG general competition is also designed to incentivize eligible applicants to apply for funding together as a coalition to implement GHG reduction measures regionally, across multiple municipalities, state boundaries, or even state and tribal boundaries.
Funding Information
  • The total funding expected to be available for awards under the CPRG implementation grants general competition is approximately $4.3 billion. Funding is dependent upon Agency appropriations, funding availability, Agency priorities, and other applicable considerations.
  • Awards are expected to range between $2 million and $500 million.
  • EPA anticipates awarding a total of approximately 30 to 115 grants under this announcement subject to the availability of funds, the quantity and quality of applications received, Agency priorities, and other applicable considerations.
  • The estimated period of performance for awards resulting from this solicitation will be up to five years. The estimated project start date for awards is October 1, 2024.
GHG Reduction Measures

EPA anticipates that applications may seek funding for the following types of measures:

  • A new, stand-alone GHG reduction measure that will be implemented solely through CPRG funding;
  • An expansion of a GHG reduction measure that is already being implemented, where the expansion of the measure will be funded through CPRG funding; and,
  • A new GHG reduction measure for which the applicant has already secured partial funding and needs additional funding from the CPRG program to secure the total funding needed to fully implement the measure.
  • GHG Reduction Measure Examples:
    • Transportation Sector
    • Electric Power Sector
    • Buildings Sector
    • Waste, Water, and Sustainable Materials Management Sector
    • Agricultural Sector
    • Carbon Removal Measures
Program Outputs and Outcomes


  • Number of: equipment or technology installations, such as zero-emission vehicles; renewable energy installations and smart meters; electrified appliances (e.g., heat pumps) installed; buildings retrofitted; industrial equipment electrified; biodigesters installed; trees planted;
  • Policies and measures enacted, adopted, and/or expanded, and related procedural milestones in implementing GHG reduction measures; and/or,
  • Staff hired to implement GHG reduction measures, associated low-income and disadvantaged community provisions, and associated trainings for workforce development.



Crafting Compelling Proposals: Winning Grants and Investments

  • Reduction in cumulative metric tons of GHG emissions:
    • From 2025 through calendar year 2030, and
    • From 2025 through calendar year 2050.
  • Reduction in annual amount of CAP and/or HAP emissions in 2030, and
  • Reduction in annual amount of CAP and/or HAP emissions in low-income and disadvantaged communities in 2030.
  • Lower energy demand and residential/commercial energy expenditures;
  • Reduced energy bills for residents in low-income and disadvantaged communities, and throughout the applicant’s jurisdiction;
  • Reduced exposure to hazardous air pollution or unhealthy ambient air quality;
  • Increased staff capacity to implement GHG reduction measures;
  • Enhanced level of community engagement, as measured by an increased number of ongoing actions to engage with organizations and residents of disadvantaged communities, and other interested parties;
  • Number of high-quality jobs created throughout the applicant’s jurisdiction and in lowincome and disadvantaged communities; and/or,
  • Increased resilience to climate change impacts as measured by the number of buildings or Census tracts that meet certain resiliency standards.
Eligibility Criteria
  • State (including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico)
    • A state (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico but excluding Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, and South Dakota) can apply for funding to implement measures included in its PCAP. Eligible applicants are:
      • Lead organizations for state CPRG planning grants
      • Other state agencies (including state air pollution control agencies), departments, or other executive branch-level offices
  • Municipality
    • A municipality can apply for funding to implement measures included in an applicable state, MSA, or territorial PCAP. Eligible applicants are:
      • Lead organizations for MSA CPRG planning grants
      • Other municipal agencies (including local air pollution control agencies), departments, or other municipal government offices
      • Councils of government, metropolitan planning commissions, or other regional organizations comprised of multiple municipalities
  • Tribe or Tribal Consortium
    • A tribe or tribal consortium can apply for funding to implement measures included in an applicable tribal, state, or MSA PCAP. Eligible applicants are:
      • Lead organizations for tribal CPRG planning grants
      • Other tribal agencies (including tribal air pollution control agencies), departments, or other tribal government offices or tribal consortia
  • Territory
    • Each territory covered by CPRG (American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) can apply for funding to implement measures included in its PCAP. Eligible applicants are:
      • Lead organizations for CPRG planning grants for one of the territories above
      • Other territorial agencies (including territorial air pollution control agencies), departments, or other territorial government offices
  • Coalition of Eligible Applicants
    • A coalition consisting of two or more eligible applicants (including tribal consortia, and coalitions of agencies from states, municipalities, tribes, and/or territories) can apply to jointly implement one or more measures included in an applicable state, MSA, tribal, or territorial PCAP
Ineligibility Criteria
  • State: State agencies (including state air pollution control agencies) in Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, and South Dakota
  • Municipality: Municipalities and local air pollution control agencies in Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, and South Dakota that are not covered by a MSA PCAP developed for one of the 12 MSAs in these states that received a planning grant
  • Tribe or Tribal Consortium:
    • Non federally recognized tribes
    • Alaska Native Corporations
    • Tribes or tribal consortia not covered by a state, MSA, or tribal PCAP

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