Opportunies For English Speakers

City of Ryde Community Grants (Round 2) – Australia

City of Ryde Community Grants (Round 2) – Australia

Deadline: 18-Sep-2024

If you have a great idea that could benefit people in the City of Ryde, a City of Ryde Community Grant may be able to assist you.

The City of Ryde Community Grants provide opportunities for not-for-profit organisations, community groups and in some instances individuals to receive funding for projects which align to Council’s plans and benefit the community.

Grant Categories
  • Community Wellbeing Grants
    • Community Wellbeing Grants are designed to develop a connected and inclusive community and to support activities that promote health, community safety, accessibility and liveability in the area.
    • Aims
      • Maximise participation, connections and a sense of belonging
      • Promote inclusion and accessibility for a diverse range of community members
      • Increase the capacity of the community to address issues related to community safety, health and wellbeing
      • Increase physical, social or employment access
      • Maximise access to services
      • Create partnerships between community members and organisations to address needs
      • Maximise the broader communities understanding of access and inclusion.
    • Sub-categories
      • Major Projects – Up to $15,000
        • Matched contribution is required (for every dollar of grant funding the organisation must contribute at least one-dollar of funding or in-kind support) Your Project may be Major if it:
          • Clearly demonstrates that it can build the capacity of the sector
          • Demonstrates that it is sustainable beyond the grant funding period
          • Demonstrates how it will address disadvantage. This should include supporting data/research
          • Provides clear measurable outcomes for the project
          • Clearly demonstrates confirmed matched contribution (this includes funding, sponsorship or in-kind support)
          • Engages one or more partner organisations
          • The project has not already received funding in the Community Wellbeing – Major Projects category.
      • Medium Projects – Up to $7,500
        • Your Project may be Medium if it:
          • Can demonstrate that it builds the capacity of the sector
          • Provides evidence of community need
          • Provides clear measurable outcomes for the project
          • Demonstrates collaboration with other organisations, community groups.
      • Minor Projects – Up to $2,500 
        • Your Project may be Minor if it:
          • Primarily run by volunteers
          • Provides informal evidence of community need
          • Provides minimal evidence of sustainability and could require additional funding in the future
          • Provides support to a specific cohort – generally less than 200 people per year
          • Is an initial pilot or trial program.
    • Suggested Outcomes 
      • Number of participants
      • Number of new members
      • Increased diversity of participants
      • Number of partnerships between individuals, groups and organisations
      • Feedback regarding people’s access to services
      • Feedback regarding people’s sense of safety, wellbeing or connection to their community.
    • Eligibility Criteria
      • Must be an incorporated not-for-profit community organisation
      • Unincorporated groups can apply if they have an incorporated organisation acting as an auspice
      • Projects must align with areas of identified need including health, community safety, accessibility and inclusion
      • Funding for small scale equipment must demonstrate how it is related to the project (the grant cannot solely fund equipment)
      • Venue hire can be considered where there is a demonstrated community benefit.
    • Ineligibility Criteria 
      • Funding for capital works is not eligible
      • Funding for catering cannot exceed 25 percent of total grant budget
      • Equipment or IT infrastructure which is considered part of the ongoing day to day operation of the organisation is not eligible
      • Ongoing venue hire which is not part of a community wellbeing project.
  • Event grants
    • Event grants support not-for-profit organisations to deliver community-based events and festivals which showcase the diversity and rich culture of the City of Ryde. The events should provide a community, cultural, creative and/or economic benefit to the area. Events should activate public areas, connect people to place and promote community celebration.
    • Aims
      • Enhance community identity
      • Maximise community participation in the City of Ryde
      • Promote a sense of identity, belonging and connection to place for people in the City of Ryde
      • Promote inclusion and accessibility for a diverse range of community members
      • Showcase the diversity and cultural aspects of the area
      • Strengthen local businesses and local organisations.
    • Sub-categories
      • Major Event – Up to $20,000 
        • Matched contribution is required (for every dollar of grant funding the organisation must contribute at least one-dollar of funding or in-kind support).
        • Your event may be Major if it is similar to the conditions below:
          • An event targeted to the broader City of Ryde community
          • Held in a large outdoor area such as a park
          • Is open to the public
          • An event partnering with several businesses and/or community groups
          • An event celebrating a day of cultural significance
          • Involves significant event infrastructure such as staging and stalls, road closures
          • Likely to have over 3,000 people attend
          • Clearly demonstrates confirmed matched funding/contribution (at least 50 percent of the matched contribution must be in the form of funding. The remainder of the matched contribution can be provided as in-kind or sponsorship contribution)
          • Any sponsorship or in-kind contribution must be directly related to the running of the event. Refer to the list of eligible in-kind donations.
      • Medium Event – Up to $7,500 
        • Your event may be Medium if it is similar to the below conditions:
          • An event targeted to a Major segment of the community
          • Held in a large outdoor area such as a park
          • Open to the public
          • Likely to have between 1,000 and 3,000 attendees
          • Partners with several businesses or community groups
          • Involves some event infrastructure such as staging and stalls.
      • Minor Event – Up to $2,500 
        • Your event may be Minor if it is similar to the below conditions:
          • An event targeted to a specific or niche demographic of the community
          • Held in a hall, indoor venue or small park/reserve
          • An event including a complimentary sit-down meal or finger food
          • Likely to have less than 1,000 attendees.
    • Suggested Outcomes 
      • Number of people attending,
      • Diversity of attendees,
      • Feedback regarding people’s sense of connection and engagement in the community,
      • Feedback regarding people’s sense of being able to share their culture,
      • Number of partnerships between individuals, groups and organisations,
      • Evidence that the event is accessible and open to the public.
    • Specific Eligibility Criteria 
      • Incorporated not-for-profit community organisation,
      • Unincorporated groups can apply if they have an incorporated not-for-profit organisation acting as an auspice
      • A detailed budget must be submitted containing evidence of the “Eligible Budget Items”. Grant funding is for specified budget costs only
      • Applicants must provide a risk assessment and other required documentation
      • Events must be free or require participants to pay no more than a nominal fee to attend. Where there are ticketed components of an event a significant proportion of the event must be free or have a nominal fee to attend.
      • Waste removal, security, advertising, venue/park hire, road closures will not be provided in-kind by Council. Applicants must include these activities as part of their budget costs. They can be applied for as part of the grant.
      • For Major Events, City of Ryde can contribute 50 percent of the total budget to a maximum of $20,000. At least 50 percent of the matched contribution must be funding. Up to 50 percent (no more than $10,000) of the matched contribution can be in-kind support as per items listed in the “Sponsorship and In-Kind Donations” section.
      • For any Major size Event the applicant/event organiser must engage a suitability qualified and experienced professional events manager to provide safety and risk advice in the planning stages of the event and to assist the applicant/ event organiser to manage the event site from a safety perspective on event day(s).
      • For any Major or Medium size Event requiring road closures, the applicant/event organiser must engage a suitably qualified and experienced, professional to coordinate the application process and manage the road closure(s) before, during and after event.
    • Specific Ineligibility Criteria 
      • Events held outside City of Ryde
      • Events that do not comply with the Waste Wise Guidelines
      • Applicants must demonstrate that they can manage and provide traffic management plans, first aid management plans, risk assessments, bin hire confirmation and venue hire confirmation as required for their event. Funding won’t be provided until these elements have been approved.
  • Arts and Creativity Grants: Up to $5,000 per applicant
    • The Arts and Creativity Grants are designed to support community-led programs and projects, to stimulate creative and cultural expression within the City of Ryde. The grants support individual artists, artistic collectives and not-for-profit organisations in creative outcomes that benefit the community.
    • Aims
      • To empower the community to implement their creative ideas and initiatives
      • To support creative projects and programs that celebrate the diverse people and places that make up the City, and foster cross-cultural connection and exchange
      • To provide affordable and accessible opportunities for creative participation
      • To support and showcase local creatives
      • To support creative projects and programs that foster a sense of connection and community cohesion in the City
      • To activate Ryde’s public spaces through art and creativity
    • Suggested Outcomes 
      • Number of audience members or participants in creative activities
      • Number of partnerships between local creatives
      • Number of local creatives that can showcase their activities
      • Feedback measuring people’s sense of connection with their community
    • Eligibility Criteria 
      • Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations
      • Unincorporated groups can apply if they have an incorporated organisation acting as an auspice
      • Individuals over 18 years of age (informal art groups/collectives can apply via a lead individual)
      • Sole-traders can apply for activities that demonstrate clear community benefit and are not directly supporting the sole-trader’s core or existing creative business
      • Creative projects must occur within the City of Ryde
      • Venue hire is eligible where there is a demonstrated community benefit
      • Activities must be free or require participants to pay no more than a nominal fee to attend.
    • Ineligibility Criteria 
      • Capital purchase of artwork, musical instruments or equipment (e.g. laptops, cameras or technical equipment)
      • Capital works
      • Activities that directly support a business or educational requirements of a program/course.
  • Community Facilities and Equipment Grants: Up to $5,000 per applicant
    • Community Facilities and Equipment grants are designed to provide funding for local, small capital works and equipment. The projects are to maintain, refurbish or improve a community facility or provide equipment to improve inclusion, access or safety. Projects must demonstrate a benefit to the community.
    • Aims
      • Improve community engagement and use of local facilities and programs
      • Promote inclusion and accessibility for a diverse range of community members
      • Increase the capacity of groups to provide activities that improve community wellbeing
      • Maximise access to facilities and activities that create liveable communities
      • Improve community safety and the community’s perception of safety.
    • Suggested Outcomes 
      • Number of people utilising the venue/equipment
      • Number of new people participating
      • Number of people from diverse backgrounds participating
      • Feedback measuring participants’ sense of safety
      • Feedback measuring participants’ sense of wellbeing.
    • Eligibility Criteria 
      • Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations
      • Unincorporated groups can apply if they have an incorporated group acting as an auspice
      • One-off funding
      • Capital works must be undertaken on community facilities (cannot be undertaken on Council owned or privately owned facilities)
      • Evidence of owner’s consent or planning approval must be provided for capital works
      • Facilities must be located within the City of Ryde
      • Equipment must be used for activities that primarily take place in the City of Ryde
    • Ineligibility Criteria 
      • Capital works on Council owned or privately owned facilities is not eligible
      • Regular equipment for existing sporting activities is not eligible.
      • Musical instruments are not eligible
      • Office equipment (e.g. computers, office furniture) for ongoing operational requirements is not eligible
      • Equipment for use by a specific individual is not eligible.
  • Sport & Recreation Grants: Up to $5,000 per applicant
    • Sport and Recreation Grants are designed to increase participation in sporting and recreational activities primarily at a “grass roots” or community level. Projects should support inclusive opportunities and address the diverse needs of the community.
    • Aims 
      • Maximise participation in sport and recreational activities, primarily for new participants
      • Promote inclusion and accessibility for a diverse range of community members
      • Increase the capacity of sporting and recreational groups to promote community awareness and build sustainable programs
      • Create partnerships with community members, groups and organisations to improve inclusion and participation.
    • Suggested Outcomes 
      • Number of new people participating
      • Number of new people from a diverse background participating
      • Feedback measuring participant’s sense of wellbeing and connection with the community
      • Number of volunteers/retention of volunteers
      • Number of partnerships between individuals, groups and organisations.
    • Eligibility Criteria 
      • Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations
      • Unincorporated groups can apply if they have an incorporated not-for-profit group acting as an auspice
      • Project can demonstrate how it maximises inclusion and accessibility of sporting or recreational activity
      • Small scale equipment which is a demonstrated requirement of the project is eligible (the grant cannot solely fund equipment).
    • Ineligibility Criteria 
      • Funding for capital works
      • Funding for ongoing operational costs including hire of sporting fields or venues, waiving of general club registration fees, regular equipment for existing sporting programs, costs of individuals’ uniforms.
      • Sponsorship of individuals or teams.
Eligibility Criteria 
  • Project must be located in Ryde or primarily service Ryde residents
  • Project must be open to the general public, inclusive and not discriminatory
  • Project must comply with the City of Ryde Waste Wise Guidelines
  • Applicant must have acquitted previous City of Ryde grant funding and have no outstanding debts to the City of Ryde
  • Project must commence after the grant round has been awarded. Grants cannot provide retrospective, recurrent or ongoing funding
  • Applicants must have suitable public liability insurance or demonstrate that they can obtain this (generally $20 million public liability)
  • Applicants can submit one grant application per round
  • Organisations can submit one grant application and auspice up to one application per round.
  • Projects that duplicate existing programs
  • Projects where grant funded activities are already funded from another source
  • For-profit activities (sole-traders are only able to apply in the Arts and Creativity category for projects that directly benefit the community)
  • Fundraising, sponsorship or projects seeking prize money or gifts for attendees
  • Religious activities that promote a single faith
  • Political parties, schools (including P&C activities that benefit a particular school), tertiary institutions or government or
  • For more information, visit City of Ryde.

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