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Call for Social Projects aimed at Social Vulnerability in the Valencian Community (Spain)

Call for Social Projects aimed at Social Vulnerability in the Valencian Community (Spain)

Deadline: 04-Apr-24Submissions are now open for the social projects to collaborate with social entities that develop their projects in the Valencian Community to promote initiatives aimed especially at people who are in situations of social vulnerability and whose objective is to improve their quality of life and promote equal opportunities.

The purpose of the call is to promote initiatives aimed especially at people who are in a situation of social vulnerability and whose objective is social inclusion, the promotion of equal opportunities and improvement of quality of life. The call also seeks move towards the construction of a more just, inclusive, equitable and supportive society by promoting social cohesion.The call is framed in the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda of Nations United.Areas of Action

Old people
  • In this area they want to promote projects that promote people’s self-government older people and their empowerment, based on a holistic, personalized and connected approach to the environment and community.They also promote projects that accompany older people in the prevention of fragility and support for both their functional and cognitive autonomy. In this sense, it is relevant promote the development of meaningful relationships and combat unwanted loneliness and Social isolation; facilitate increased well-being and improved emotional management of older people, and encourage the development of personal potential that improves the project of each person’s life.They want to put emphasis on projects and actions whose design incorporates situations of diverse daily life, in order to improve people’s usual living conditions older people in different types of environments (home, residential centers or community spaces), and that also integrate collaborative activities and an intergenerational perspective. Projects that address situations of special vulnerability in people are also contemplated older, such as situations of economic fragility and abuse, among others.Priorities
    • For this year 2024, the following actions have been defined as priorities:
      • Promotion of autonomy, decision-making and empowerment of older peoplePromotion of significant personal relationships and prevention and intervention in situations of unwanted loneliness and social isolationDetection and intervention in situations of special vulnerability of older people
Disability, mental disorder or illness 
  • In this area they want to promote support for people with disabilities and/or disorders. mentality, promoting empowerment actions, promotion of personal autonomy and/or independent living and support for activities of daily living. They also seek the elimination of barriers of all kinds existing in the process of socialization and social inclusion throughout life of people. An intersectional and person-centered approach is especially relevant, allows them to deal with situations of multiple vulnerabilities that, on numerous occasions, people with disabilities and/or mental disorders live.Priorities
    • For this year 2024, the following actions have been defined as priorities:
      • Promotion of independent living for people with disabilities and/or mental disorders through promoting personal autonomy, self-determination in decision-making and accessibilityComprehensive care for people with illnesses and special psychosocial needs, complementary way to the health systemPromotion of community networks of support and prevention and intervention in situations of loneliness Unwanted
Poverty and social inclusion 
  • This area aims, first of all, to contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty and its chronicity. empowering children and adolescents and empowering families as the axis of action socio-educational. Projects for the social and educational development of childhood and adolescence in vulnerable situations, with special emphasis on accompaniment and/or social mentoring. They highlight the early childhood care projects (0-3 years) that place the child in the center; projects that seek to reduce early school leaving, with special attention to dropout throughout compulsory and post-compulsory secondary education in moments and environments of maximum vulnerability, and inclusive socio-educational projects from the sports, artistic or cultural field and in an integrated way to support academic success.Secondly, this area aims to promote projects that facilitate comprehensive development and the process of social inclusion of people at risk or in a situation of poverty and/or exclusion, promoting their capabilities and providing them with new opportunities. They have a place projects aimed at vulnerable households, especially those with dependent minors; homes single parents with low level of resources; long-term unemployed people; people in homelessness situation; migrants and refugees; gypsy ethnic population; people with addictive behaviors or dependencies; people deprived of liberty and former prisoners, among others. Likewise, they highlight the projects to support and empower young people, women with social problems and especially vulnerable people.Priorities
    • Childhood, adolescence and families
      • In relation to childhood, adolescence and families, for this year 2024 they have been defined as priority the following actions:
        • Family and social support projects for early childhood (0-3 years)Educational support projects and comprehensive guidance to promote continuity and success school, with special attention to the educational transition phasesInclusive socio-educational projects from the sports, artistic or cultural field and in integrated into supporting school success
      Young people, women and especially vulnerable people
      • For this year 2024, the empowerment and comprehensive support for:
        • Young people in vulnerable situations in the process of transition to adulthood, with actions that facilitate access to an independent lifeWomen with social problems, with special attention to single-parent families and women victims of gender violence, trafficking and/or sexual exploitationEspecially vulnerable people

Transversal Lines of Action

  • Socio-labor insertion
    • Employment constitutes one of the key factors in the prevention of poverty and social exclusion and it is essential that it be in dignified and stable conditions.
    Access to temporary residential resources
    • Access to decent and adequate housing is a key factor for social inclusion, emancipation and the exercise of citizenship.
    Intercultural coexistence
    • They want to contribute to the construction of a more diverse and inclusive society, promoting social intervention projects to improve intercultural citizen coexistence and social cohesion.
    Culture as a tool for social inclusion
    • Art and culture have proven to be a powerful tool to promote inclusion and social cohesion. Participating in culture can contribute to improving health and well-being, both individually and collectively, reinforcing trust, promoting communication and empowerment of people.
    Health promotion and emotional management
    • Health promotion enables people, individually and collectively, to increase the control over the determinants of health and thereby it, as well as their well-being and autonomy. It involves not only strengthening their skills and abilities, but also carrying out actions aimed at modify the social, environmental and economic conditions that influence health.
    Prevention of violence and addictions
    • Educational and preventive actions continue to be necessary to address the increase in addictive behaviors and violence (gender, in childhood and adolescence, related to bullying, among others).
    Digital inclusion
    • To ensure that people can contribute to the digital world and benefit from the opportunities it offers, actions that facilitate access to the tools and technological resources to those who have more difficulties (whether due to age, situation geographical, social or economic condition, capabilities) and that promote the development of skills necessary to use these technologies.

Funding Information

  • Projects submitted to this call may request aid for an amount of up to: 50.000 €The amount requested must be linked to the execution of a project with a duration of up to: 12 months

Eligibility Criteria

The entities that can apply for the call are:
  • Non-profit entitiesEntities of the social economy that have or non-profit, among the purposes indicated in its statutes it is explicitly stated as its main objective is social cohesion or social and/or cultural interestNon-profit cultural entities that, among the purposes indicated in its statutes, is explicitly stated as one of its main objectives social cohesion or social and/or cultural interest
Public administrations are excluded from this call.The requirements for entities are:
  • Be domiciled in the Valencian Community.Be registered in the corresponding administrative Registry.Have your own NIF.Have registered bylaws and a minimum of 1 year of activity, since its constitution, at the closing date of the call.

For more information, visit “la Caixa” Foundation.

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