Bishop of Lincoln’s Social Justice Fund Programme in the UK
Deadline: 15-Jan-2025
The Lincolnshire Community Foundation is pleased to announce the Bishop of Lincoln’s Social Justice Fund Programme to respond to human need and seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation.
The object of the Fund is to build fair, just, sharing communities for people living in Lincolnshire and to make life more comfortable, ease distress and isolation for those most in need. Priority will be given to projects that address the causes of social injustice rather than the symptoms.
Area of Benefit
- The seven District Authorities of the County of Lincolnshire, the unitary authorities of North and North East Lincolnshire, and the boundaries of the Diocese of Lincoln where there may be some variance with civic boundaries.
- Main Themes examples:
- Social cohesion: Community activities providing; access to essential services, support for people leaving Prison and their families, migrant workers and families (ESOL classes and translation services) and other vulnerable groups.
- Projects that contribute to strong and cohesive communities, intergenerational activities that help to reduce anti-social behaviour the fear of crime, and help people in to employment.
- Isolation: Activities that encourage residents to become more active and feel less isolated in their community such as befriending groups for people experiencing loneliness or be in need of care at home. Diversionary activities like rural and urban gardening projects that raise aspirations or reduce isolation for those suffering mental health issues, dementia or other long-term illness. Where possible, projects should be locally led and embedded in the communities they serve.
- Poverty: Applications that tackle poverty in its various forms, projects that support early intervention or take preventative measures, that tackle debt, crime and/or worklessness.
Funding Information
- Grant Size: Up to £3,000
Geographic Focus
- Grant Location: Greater Lincolnshire
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible groups are:
- Churches involved in social justice work rather than direct mission activity.
- Voluntary or community organisations who should ideally be able to provide evidence they have links to a local C of E church community. Not statutory agencies.
- Locally run and managed. They are unlikely to fund organisations that are local branches/organisations of a larger regional or national organisation.
Ineligibility Criteria
- They can not fund:
- Party Political or predominantly religious activities (for Christian activity the Diocesan Transformation Fund may be appropriate)
- Individuals
- Statutory provision
- Animal welfare
- General contributions to large appeals
- Building work
- Salary costs unless there are exceptional circumstances
For mor information, visit Lincolnshire Community Foundation.