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Apply for Horowhenua Major Events Fund (New Zealand)

Apply for Horowhenua Major Events Fund (New Zealand)

Deadline: 31-Aug-2040

Organizing a major event in the Horowhenua District? You might be eligible to apply for Horowhenua Major Events Funding, for support to run your event.

This fund also provides for events which may not qualify as a major event but have the potential to transition into a major event over time.

  • The purpose of the Horowhenua Major Events Fund is to:
    • Economic Contribution: Boost sustainable economic development in Horowhenua by attracting more visitors and increasing their expenditure within the district.
    • Community Strengthening: Foster strong and vibrant communities in Horowhenua by encouraging residents to both reside and work in the area.
    • Enhancing Event Excellence: Support the events industry in delivering exceptional events.
    • Celebrating Uniqueness: Celebrate and showcase the distinctive cultural, resource-rich, and vibrant offerings of Horowhenua.
  • Tier One – Iconic, Major Event.
  • Tier Two – Regional, Strategic Growth Event.
  • Tier Three – Community Event (not applicable to apply for the Horowhenua Major Events Fund).
Funding Information
  • The annual budget for the Horowhenua Major Events Fund is set at $50,000.
  • The Horowhenua Major Events Fund is open year round and will close off for applications once the fund has been allocated. If your event has already started you cannot apply for funding.
  • There are two funding level categories:
    • Strategic Growth Fund: Tier Two events that demonstrate the potential to evolve into Tier One events. The Strategic Growth Fund may be awarded to the same event more than once, so long as event organizers take steps to transition their event to a Tier One event. Funding per application will not exceed $10,000 per annum.
    • Major Events Fund: Applicants whose criteria matches Tier One events. Preference will be given to applicants who are a Tier One event. Applications are taken throughout the financial year starting 1 July. Once the $50,000 has been allocated applications will close. Successful Tier One events who meet the relevant reporting criteria, may apply for funding for future events.
What types of activities?
  • Destination marketing.
  • Local marketing.
  • Visitor experience survey costs.
  • Translation and design work in relation to using Te Reo Māori in event names and marketing collateral.
  • Operational costs including but not exclusive to venue, stage, lighting, and performance costs.
  • Health and safety costs.
  • Waste minimization and management costs.
  • Personnel costs to undertake event management, marketing and sponsorship funding.
Eligibility Criteria 
  • To be eligible to receive Major Event Funding the event must:
    • Be classified as a Tier One event.
    • Be run by a recognized legal entity such as a business or a not-for-profit organization (individuals may not apply).
    • Take place, or partly take place, in the Horowhenua District. If the event partly takes place in the Horowhenua District, the level of investment needs to be of the same value or more as activities within the event happening outside of the Horowhenua District.
    • Have confirmed at least 30% of costs.
    • Demonstrate how Council funding will be used and show how residual costs after allowing for Council funding will be covered.
    • Have shown how the previous event met objectives, if applying for repeat funding.
    • Meet any other eligibility criteria outlined in the application form including $5million Public Liability Insurance Coverage for the event and the land the event is held on.
    • Include Horowhenua NZ branding on event collateral and include Horowhenua District Council Communications team in event collateral approvals.
    • Provide confirmation of any consenting and landowner approval requirements and the status of any required consents / approvals.
    • Take place within nine months of a grant being approved.
  • To be eligible to receive Strategic Growth Funding the event must:
    • Be classified as a Tier Two event.
    • Be run by a recognized legal entity such as a business or a not-for-profit organization (individuals may not apply).
    • Take place, or partly take place, in the Horowhenua District. If the event partly takes place in the Horowhenua District, the level of investment needs to be of the same value or more as activities within the event happening outside of the Horowhenua District.
    • Demonstrate how Council funding will be used and show how residual costs after allowing for Council funding will be covered.
    • Provide confirmation of any consenting and landowner approval requirements and the status of any required consents approvals.
    • Meet any other eligibility criteria outlined in the application form including proof of at least $5million Public Liability Insurance Coverage for the event and the land the event is held on.
    • Include Horowhenua NZ branding on event collateral and include Horowhenua District Council Communications team in event collateral approvals.
    • Take place within nine months of a grant being approved (or first event for multi-year events).

For more information, visit Horowhenua District Council.

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