Grant Opportunities

Applications open for New Initiative Grant Program in Canada

Applications open for New Initiative Grant Program in Canada

Deadline: 6-Feb-25

Applications are now open for the New Initiative Grant Program.

  • The City of Regina uses an outcomes-based approach to funding. All applications are evaluated based on their alignment and support of the City’s funding objectives.
    • Social Development Stream Objectives
      • Advance Reconciliation, Anti-Racism and Support to Equity-Deserving Communities
        • Directly address the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action or the Calls for Justice for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people (MMIWG2S)
        • Address racism and discrimination
        • Provide safe(r), more accessible and inclusive spaces and services for equity-deserving groups, such as First Nations, Métis, Inuit, 2SLGBTQIAP+ people, ethnocultural minorities, newcomers, people with disabilities/disabled people, older adults, and youth.
      • Improve Food Security and Sustainability
        • Increase access to diverse, healthy, and culturally appropriate food
        • Strengthen food systems
        • Promote opportunities towards food sovereignty including urban agriculture
      • Increase the Safety of Substance Use and Access to Addictions Support
        • Prevent and reduce harms and stigma associated with substance use
        • Connect active users and their families to appropriate addiction supports
      • Prevent and Respond to Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence
        • Establish or improve supports and services for survivors, perpetrators, and their families to facilitate healing
        • Emergency response supports for those fleeing situations of domestic violence and intimate partner violence 
        • Recognize and prevent domestic and intimate partner violence
      • Enhance Community Safety
        • Focus on upstream prevention and early intervention to reduce risks and improve community wellbeing
        • Engage community members and neighbourhoods to respond to incidents and help improve safety
Funding Information
  • There are two levels of funding available through this grant program:
    • Minor Funding: Up to $10,000, for initiatives that are completed within 12 months.
    • Major Funding: Over $10,000 and up to $30,000, for initiatives that are completed within 12 months. Special exceptions can be made for grants that have a unique nature and demonstrate that it will take longer than 12 months to complete. In some cases, organizations may receive approval to spend their allocated funds over a period of up to 24 months.
Funding Period
  • The grant period is May 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026, unless approval is given for a project that requires longer than 12 months to complete.
Eligibility Criteria
  • For all proposals, either New Initiatives or Annual Activity, organizations must:
    • be a registered non-profit community organization that is operating with an active status, and that has been incorporated for at least one year at the time of application submission.
    • be based in Saskatchewan or be a provincial organization and deliver services to the residents of Regina;
    • demonstrate sound financial management and accountability;
    • be responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of those activities for which the funds are intended.
  • For Annual Activity proposals, organizations must also:
    • have completed at least one year of the proposed programming and consider the activities to be a demonstrable, ongoing element of the organization’s core programming, related to their mandate.
    • organizations that host a biennial program/project/initiative/event are eligible to apply for annual activity funding. If approved through adjudication to be funded, the program/project/initiative/event will only receive funding on years’ the initiative is being held in Regina.
Ineligibility Criteria
  • The following organizations are not eligible to apply for City of Regina Minor and Major funding:
    • post secondary institutions, universities or private schools;
    • municipal service providers such as fire, police and libraries;
    • Saskatchewan Health Authority, hospitals, nursing homes; 
    • charitable foundations; 
    • organization hosting a conference.

For more information, visit City of Regina.

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