Leeds University Business school undergraduate Sholarship 2016
There are up to 8 international scholarships offered by Leeds University Business School for the 2016-2017 academic year. These scholarships are open for international undergraduate students. Scholarships are available to students with a sustained academic excellence and prove their potential to contribute for the Business School. These scholarship winner will receive an up to £2,500 award per year towards cost of fees for each year of study. The deadline for applications is 31st May 2016.
Scholarship Provider
The scholarship is provided by Leeds University Business School.
Destination Study
These scholarships will be taken in UK.
Country of Applicants
These scholarships are open for International students.
Scholarship is provided to pursue an Undergraduate Program offered by the Leeds University Business School (please see the official webpage for available field of study).
In order to be eligible, applicant must consider the following:
- Student must submit their study application form by UCAS first and must hold a receipt for UCAS Personal ID. Scholarship application without this ID will not be taken into consideration.
- Student must holdconditional or unconditional offer for place at Business School Undergraduate Course in 2016 commencement.
- Student must complete all supporting statement section of addressing all areas which are highlighted at the guidance notes.
- The scholarship will be awarded according to academic grade exceeded as mentioned at study offer letter.
Scholarship Value
The scholarships will be valued worth to £2,500 per year towards cost of fees for each year of study.
Application Deadline
The closing date for this Leeds University Business School scholarship application is 31st May 2016.
How to Apply
The method of applying can be made via online submission. A completedApplication Form must be submitted to Admissions Office via email.
For further detail about this scholarship, please check to the official webpage.
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