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Water and Climate Training Program in Netherlands

Water and Climate Training Program in Netherlands

Deadline: 28-Nov-24

Nuffic has launched the Program for Dutch training providers to organise a training in the field of water and climate as part of the MENA Scholarship Programme.

  • The support of the Netherlands will help to alleviate the severe water scarcity in Jordan. As such, it will contribute to realising the objectives of the Jordanian government, including in the framework of the Jordanian National Water Strategy 2023-2040. The Netherlands’ programming is focused on contributing to the following 4 goals:
    • Making additional (non-ground) water available, including for vulnerable people This is done by supporting the desalination of water and the increase of rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment. In terms of desalination, Dutch support will be geared towards the Aqaba Amman Water Desalination and Conveyance Project (AAWDCP).
    • Strengthening integrated water management by supporting the capacity building of relevant Jordanian institutions in the water sector in various fields, including on flood prevention and protection, sediment management, underground water drainage and using remote sensing (WaPOR).
    • Making agriculture water and climate smart by supporting Jordanian agricultural entrepreneurs and businesses to reduce on-farm water use, increase water efficiency and promote alternative water sources for irrigation, such as treated wastewater and harvested rainwater. ​​​​​​​
    • Assisting Jordan in achieving its climate ambitions in close coordination with the government of Jordan and the private sector, the Netherlands supports implementation of NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) action plan projects, utilisation of green and local sustainability bonds, advancement of the green building initiative and improved energy efficiency and use of renewable energy (including green hydrogen).
  • Contributing to knowledge exchange between the Netherlands and Jordan on water and/or climate.
  • Capacity building of Jordanian organisations working in the field of water and climate based on Jordan’s demand for capacity building as formulated by the government.
  • Strengthening partnership between Jordanian and Dutch organisations in the field of water and climate.
Funding Information
  • Budget: 75.000 Euro
Eligibility Criteria
  • This call is open for Dutch training providers who:
    • are interested in a cooperation with Jordan in the fields of water and climate as described in the context;
    • have a track record of providing training in the suggested topics.
    • have experience in Jordan.
    • are interested in providing training in Jordan, the Netherlands (if of added value) or hybrid;
    • are interested in submitting a joint proposal together with a Jordanian partner organisation for staff members of the same organisation (if of added value representatives of other organisations working in the same field can participate as well);
  • Participants
    • Preference is given to government entities, education institutions and/or NGOs.
    • Staff members of the same Jordanian organisation (if of added value representatives of other organisations working in the same field can participate as well).
    • The suggested number of participants is 15 – 25 depending on the type of training and location.
    • They encourage the training providers to aim for at least 50% participation of women.

For more information, visit Nuffic.

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