LCCC Community Festivals Fund in the UK
Deadline: 13-Dec-2024
The Community Festivals Fund (CFF) was established in recognition of the potential contribution that festivals can make to communities, the local economy and wider government priorities.
The fund aims to support the development and capacity of locally run festivals by providing support and training to make them less reliant on public funding in addition to offering funding towards the costs of events. The fund enables community organisations to celebrate their cultural identity and strengthen community relations while promoting equality and targeting poverty and social inclusion.
Funding Information
- A minimum of £1,000 and a maximum of £3,500 is available for any one organisation in each financial year.
Funding Principles
- Organisations must comply with all statutory obligations regarding the delivery of and access to their project or event, including health & safety and licensing requirements.
- This is a competitive scheme and applications will be determined on the basis of merit.
- Applications to this scheme will be open to all festivals that can meet the core criteria of the scheme irrespective of whether they are established or emerging events.
- Applicants can apply to other sources of public support, outside of the council, but must declare this in their application form and show how the additional funding will add value to the festival. This other source of funding could make up the remaining 12.5%.
- Festivals should contribute to the promotion of a positive image of Northern Ireland and organisers must take steps to avert anti-social behaviour.
- Applicants will be expected to make efforts to maximise income through ticket sales and sponsorship. They should develop a plan to improve the sustainability of their festival, and reduce reliance on public funding, in future years.
- Those organisations based outside the area may be awarded funding for festivals projects as long as the entirety of the festivals project takes place within the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area.
Eligibility Criteria
- Organisations must be able to demonstrate the following eligibility criteria:
- an open and accountable governing document (constitution or articles and memorandum of association, or applicable governing document) that has been adopted at a public meeting of the group’s membership
- a bank account in the name of the organisation, which requires a minimum of two unrelated members to authorise withdrawals and an annual set of independently examined financial accounts, endorsed at an Annual General Meeting
- a management committee or governing board, elected by its membership at an Annual General Meeting, and elected office bearers
- have appropriate safeguarding policies for protecting children and vulnerable adults, who are involved as part of the group’s programme
- evidence of public liability insurance cover of a minimum £5 million for the activities of the group, including the proposed festival, or confirmation from a broker that this can be produced.
- evidence of employers liability insurance (where applicable) to cover a minimum £10 million for the activities of the group, including the proposed festival, or confirmation from a broker that this can be produced
- evidence that the group is based within the area or that the festival beneficiaries are residents of the area.
Ineligibility Criteria
- The following are considered ineligible for this grant:
- application forms that are not completed
- festivals by individuals/sole applicants
- contributions towards general appeals or campaigning around a single issue
- activities related to the promotion of religion or political parties
- areas of statutory responsibility or where such funding has been withdrawn
- retrospective payments or the repayment of loans or reclaimable VAT
- awards ceremony or industry events, holiday schemes
- organisations that are in poor financial health or cannot show effective financial control
For more information, visit LCCC.