The Embassy of France in South Africaoffers scholarships for students from South Africa and Lesotho who wish to do a Master’s degree or a PhD in France.
Launched in 2010, the scholarship programmes form part of the commitment between France and South Africa to establish fruitful partnerships between their universities while building a vast network of academic and professional contacts.
The Embassy allocates around 20 Master scholarships per year for the duration of one French academic year, renewable once. They include the tuition fees, the Schengen visa fees, a monthly stipend towards living expenses, health insurance and the flight tickets.
The bursary programmes are thematically structured:
Humanities: SAFeThink scholarship programme
- Students who wish to complete a Master’s or PhD’s degree in political or social sciences (international relations, public affairs, security studies, conflict studies, human rights/ humanitarian law, development studies,…) are requested to apply for the French Embassy SAFeThink scholarship programme, that is run in cooperation with five South African think tanks (AISA, IGD, ISS, MISTRA and SAIIA)
SAFe Think is aimed at both South African students and Senior Researchers:The SAFe Think scholarship programme was launched by the Embassy of France in South Africa in 2010 with the aim of funding exceptional students wishing to undertake a Master’s degree at a French university, in all fields of human and social sciences.
Through the cooperation with five major South African think tanks, the programme also aims at strengthening the connections between South African academic institutions and think tanks and their French counterparts, specifically in the fields of human and social sciences.
Eligibility Requirements
You can be considered for a bursary if:
- Your field of study is in political or social sciences (international
relations, sociology, public administration, peace and security, conflict
studies) - You are a citizen of South Africa or Lesotho. Unfortunately, temporary/ permanent residents and candidates from other African countries cannot be considered.
- You hold or are in the process of completing a Bachelor’s or Honour’s degree. The degree has to be completed by September
2015. - You have applied to at least 2 French universities and Master programmes. Should you be awarded a SAFeThink scholarship, you will need to provide your university admission letter by 20 June 2016 – otherwise the scholarship offer will be withdrawn.
The partner think tanks are:
- AISA: African Institute of South Africa
- IGD Institute for Global Dialogue
- ISS : Institute for Security Studies
- SAIIA : South African Institute of International Affairs
- MISTRA : Mapungubwe Institute
SAFe Think is aimed at both South African students and Senior Researchers:
For the 2016/2017 intake.
The Research Programme allows PhD students and researchers to undertake a joint research project in France. Through its fellowship scheme, 6 South African senior researchers conducted joint projects with French research institutes between 2010 and 2015.
Applications are accepted throughout the year, but should be submitted at least 2 months before the envisioned departure for France.
Scholarship Worth:
- Annual tuition fees (up to 6000€/ year)
- Round-trip flight ticket (South Africa – France)
- Health insurance
- Monthly stipend towards living expenses
- Schengen visa fees
Download the call for applications
All other fields of study: French Embassy Master & PhD scholarship programme
Students who wish to complete a Master’s or PhD’s degree in all fields of study except humanities (engineering, management, economy/ finance, IT, architecture/design, sports, biology, etc.) are encouraged to apply for the French Embassy Master scholarship programme.
The Embassy of France is currently inviting South African students who wish to continue their tertiary education at Master’s level in France to apply for its bursary programme for the academic year 2016 -2017.
This programme forms part of the commitment between France and South Africa to establish fruitful partnerships between their universities while building a vast network of academic and professional contacts.
- Students must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree. The duration of the bursary is one year, once renewable should the student continue with the Master 2 programme.
- Eligibility:
- Citizenship of South Africa or Lesotho only (temporary or permanent residency excluded).
- Bachelor’s or Honour’s degree (depending on academic year the student is enrolling for), completed or to be completed by the time the student would depart for France. (Minimum requirement is at least a B-degree, i.e. B.Tech, B.A, B.Com, BSc, etc.)
- At least three selected French institutions of the candidate’s choice. Students should apply for admission to these universities concurrently to the bursary application (if you have not been accepted at an institution yet).
- You may contact Campus France to assist you with this process, but it remains the student’s responsibility to contact and apply on time to universities (see Terms and Conditions below).
- Applications from all academic disciplines will be considered
- Full bursary includes visa expenses, round-trip flight tickets, social and medical insurance, tuition fees (up to a limited amount) and a monthly stipend for living expenses (partial funding may also be granted).
Full bursaries include:
- Annual tuition fees
- Round-trip airfare
- Health insurance
- Monthly stipend towards
Download the Call for Applications
Embassy of France in South Africa – PhD Research Grants
The French Embassy of South Africa bursary programme is currently proposing grants for 2016 to facilitate international academic and scientific mobility for South African researchers towards French institutions of higher education.
The programme offers the opportunity to doctoral students to integrate into establishments in France for specified periods of time in order to participate in a collaborative research project as part of their doctoral thesis programme.
- Candidates must hold a Master’s degree or its equivalent.
- The duration of the bursary is 3 – 6 months per year, with an option of renewing it for the next 2 years.
- The bursary includes visa expenses, round-trip flight tickets, social and medical insurance and a monthly stipend for living expenses.
There is no deadline for applications, and students are invited to apply throughout the year. It is however advised that students apply early in the year due to limited available funding.
For PhD’s application forms or more information concerning the bursaries, please contact CampusFrance South Africa at
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the 2016/2017 French Embassy Master & PhD Scholarship Programme