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Emerging Philanthropist Program Endowment Fund in the US

Emerging Philanthropist Program Endowment Fund in the US

Deadline: 01-Mar-2025

The Emerging Philanthropists Program (EPP) goal is to engage Harrisburg’s emerging business and community leaders with philanthropic endeavors by providing resources and educational opportunities.

EPP provides emerging leaders opportunities to be actively engaged in giving back to their community through philanthropy.

The purpose of the EPP Endowment Grant is to provide support for mental health.

Funding Information
  • Grant Amount: Up to $2,000
Eligibility Criteria
  • This opportunity is available to nonprofit organizations serving Cumberland and/or Dauphin Counties. Nonprofit need not be located there, but must show proof of service in either county.
Ineligibility Criteria
  • They do not fund:
    • Advertising
    • Capital campaigns
    • Direct lobbying to influence legislation or funding appropriations
    • Individuals
    • National and statewide umbrella organizations that cannot demonstrate a local presence
    • New staff positions without a substantial plan for sustainability
    • Religious organizations for religious purposes
    • Retroactive projects

For more information, visit TFEC.

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