Disability Justice Fund for Women in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda
Deadline: 31-Aug-2024
The ADD International is seeking applications for the Disability Justice Fund for Women is a fund for local organisations in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda supporting the African Disability Protocol (ADP) and strengthening movements of women with disabilities.
This fund has been designed by a team of women disability activists from those countries.
The African Disability Protocol is the first human rights treaty addressing discrimination faced by people with disabilities in African countries. It goes beyond existing African human rights instruments by addressing issues such as harmful practices, beliefs, and superstitions that disproportionately impact persons with disabilities. By adopting a social and human rights approach, the ADP recognises the unique lived experiences of persons with disabilities in Africa.
The protocol needs to be ratified in order to be implemented. The idea is that grants from this fund can be used to advocate to governments for this to happen, and to support implementation after ratification.
Thematic Areas
- Proposed initiatives must also focus on at least one of the priority thematic areas chosen by the women who designed this fund. These are:
- Building organisational development and financial sustainability of organisations/movements.
- Building understanding and doing advocacy on the African Disability Protocol and other supporting policies.
- Building skills on advocacy.
- Supporting mobilisation of women and girls with disabilities for action.
- Encouraging collaboration in movements of women and girls with disabilities, other persons with disabilities and Organisations of People with Disabilities, and with other movements.
- Supporting accessibility and inclusion for the most marginalised groups in these approaches.
Funding Information
- Two types of grants are available:
- Small grants of up to $10,000
- Large grants of up to $20,000
Who can apply?
- The fund is for organisations and groups led by women with disabilities in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda to fund work which strengthens and supports the most marginalised women with disabilities in their countries.
- These groups include: The most marginalised women with disabilities, women with disabilities in rural areas, girls and young women with disabilities aged between 12 – 35 years, less educated women with disabilities, disability organisations with members at the grass roots, older women with disabilities aged above 65 years. These target groups were identified by the women who designed the fund.
For more information, visit ADD International.