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CFPs: Gender Equality Program to strengthen the capacity of Women in Nepal

CFPs: Gender Equality Program to strengthen the capacity of Women in Nepal

Deadline: 05-Nov-2024

The UN Women is seeking proposals to strengthen the capacity of women and excluded group to influence decision-making and demand accountability and transparency for Gender Equality.

  • The primary aim of this intervention is to provide the necessary skills to women and excluded groups to enhance community-based gender responsive social accountability at the local level through tools like the right to information, citizen report cards, public hearings, and social audits.
  • Specific Objective
    • To enhance capacities women and excluded groups to influence decision-making, engage in evidence-based civic dialogue/action and demand accountability and transparency for GEWE.
      • The aim of this objective is to equip women and excluded groups with the skills needed to enhance social accountability at the local level. This will be achieved through mechanisms such as the right to information, citizens’ report cards, and social audits.
Funding Information
  • The estimated budget range for this proposal is approx. NPR 15,550,000.00 – NPR 16,000,000.00.
  • December 2024 – August 2026 (twenty months programme period.) The actual project start date will be based on project agreement date and may vary.
  • The RP will develop an implementation plan, monitoring and learning plan with clear annual milestones. The RP are encouraged to propose innovative ideas, approaches and strategies in the above proposed three intervention areas based on their past experiences and lesson learned. The additional methodology to be adopted by the partner agencies include:
  • Use pre‐test and post‐test questionnaires to analyse participant’s knowledge and understanding before and after the training.
  • Promote local resource person/experts to deliver training packages as and where applicable. Linkages can be made to resource person/experts developed by other ongoing interventions.
  • Use participatory assessment methodologies and reflective dialogue tools across all assessments and consultations.
Guiding Principles 
  • Proposal development and implementation of the outlined activities will be guided by the following principles:
    • Result based programming and management
    • Cultural diversity, social inclusion and gender sensitivity
    • Human rights-based approach
    • Leave no one behind (LNOB)
    • Confidentiality
    • Do no harm
    • Impartiality
Eligibility Criteria 
  • Operating for at least five years with demonstrated programmatic experience related to institutional strengthening of women’s rights organizations and networks, advocacy, or advancing efforts to social accountability
  • Experience working with diverse partners, including marginalized groups and multiple stakeholders; and existing relationships with feminist organizations, allies, networks, and other relevant stakeholders and with experience of implementing Social Accountability tools.
  • Be a women’s rights organization, network, or coalition organization, with organizations led by women in all their diversity considered as an asset.
  • Proven technical competencies in the application of human rights-based and feminist approaches and social accountability tools to advance gender equality and for ensuring their voices and needs as rightsholders.

For more information, visit UN Women.

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