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CFPs: Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in Thailand

CFPs: Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in Thailand

Deadline: 13-Dec-2024
This call for proposals is announced in the framework of the “Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia” (PROTECT) joint regional project funded by the European Union and implemented by UN Women, ILO, UNICEF and UNODC.

Funding Information
  • The budget range for this proposal should be Min. $60,000 –Max $80,000 USD
  • The implementation period is up to 12 months.
  • Technical/functional competencies required
    • Proponents should propose interventions that are aiming at strengthening the capacity of peer networks as critical support mechanisms that provide a safe space for women to speak openly about VAWG and situation of abuse on the move and share practical and timely information, without risks of stigma or discrimination.
    • Propose strategies and interventions that ensure that women migrants can collectively advocate for their rights, centering their voices in policymaking, service provision and even within their families and communities in the area of eliminating violence against women and migration.
    • Propose effective strategies to engage families and communities of women migrant workers (including those who have suffered abuse) to foster improved understanding of the sacrifices and benefits of migration, respectful and mutually reinforcing relationships and more equitable household management and decision-making which is gender-sensitive.
    • The proposal must also reflect collaboration with local public institutions, service providers and CSO’s, including other relevant stakeholders in migration and EVAW service provision.
Eligibility Criteria
  • UN Women is soliciting proposals from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Women’s organizations or entities are highly encouraged to apply.
  • Applicants can apply as individual civil society, women’s rights organizations, feminist academic or research institution or apply as a consortium of organizations/institutions. If applying as a consortium, the proposal must specify which organization is the lead organization
  • To be considered, proponents must meet all the mandatory criteria
    • Technical/functional competencies required: 
      • At least 3 years of documented successful track record in the area of work contained in this Terms of Reference.
      • Proven in-house expertise in working on issues around eliminating and preventing violence against women and girls with focus on underrepresented groups, including women migrant workers; women empowerment, service provision in EVAW area, as well as delivering results in these areas. It is recommended to have a gender or EVAW expert/specialist as part of the team.
      • At least 3 years’ experience in management of projects with similar size to the one submitted under this Call.
      • Knowledge of Thai and English is mandatory.
Expected Results
  • Through this Call of Proposal, RP will contribute to the achievement of the Output 3.3: Increased capacities and opportunities of peer networks of women migrants to advocate for and contribute to the implementation of strategies for safe migration, including in destination countries and upon reintegration.
  • The focus of this intervention is to support response and prevention of violence against women and girls, including in the communities of women migrant workers.
  • Activity: Support peer networks of women migrants to strengthen availability of safe spaces, dissemination of information and advocacy efforts related to gender equality, anti-discrimination and violence against women.
  • Activity: Support peer networks to identify priorities, advocate for and contribute to implementation of strategies for safe migration (including in destination countries and upon reintegration); access to Violence Against Women and Girls services and programmes; and by leveraging their knowledge, expertise and voices in decision-making fora in advocacy efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls .
Ineligibility Criteria
  • Bankruptcy insolvency or winding-up procedures;
  • breach of obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions;
  • grave professional misconduct, including misrepresentation;
  • fraud;
  • corruption;
  • conduct related to a criminal organization;
  • money laundering or terrorist financing;
  • terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities;
  • child labour and other trafficking in human beings;
  • creating a shell company.

For more information, visit UN Women.

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