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Call for Proposals: Institutional Capacity Building Training for Women’s Groups in Nepal

Call for Proposals: Institutional Capacity Building Training for Women’s Groups in Nepal

Deadline: 31-Oct-2024

The World Wide Fund for Nature is accepting proposals for the Institutional Capacity Building Training for Women’s Groups.

  • The overall aim of the consultancy is to institutionally strengthen women’s groups by building capacities on group management, creating a 5-year action plan, organizing events and leadership training for active participation in conservation work in the region. The objective of the consultancy is to:
    • Planning, implementing, and reporting of building capacity of women’s groups for institutional development of the group, in SPNP on financial literacy, group management, including holding regular meetings, taking meeting minutes, constitution clarity, roles and responsibilities clarity, reporting and monitoring mechanisms, among others.
    • Facilitate discussions with women’s groups on creating a 5-year action plan for each group including objective, activities, budgeting, reporting and monitoring with indicators, conducted solely by a group or combined, in coordination with SPNP and WWF Nepal.
    • Facilitate in identifying and nominating a group leader from each women’s group committee members as a “change agent” to facilitate the coordination and activity implementation, including income generation activities, saving and credit practices.
Scope of Work
  • Institutional Capacity Building Training for Women’s Groups
    • Prepare capacity building timeframe, detailed agenda, presentation, and necessary resource materials and work closely with WWF-SPNP.
    • Prepare printed content for distribution to women’s group members for implementing individual group activities.
    • Conduct training on financial literacy, group management, saving and credit practices, including holding regular meetings, taking meeting minutes, constitution clarity, roles and responsibilities clarity, SWOT analysis, reporting and monitoring mechanisms, among others.
    • Conduct pre and post training survey.
  • Facilitate formation of a 5-year action plan 
    • Prepare agenda, presentation, and content for facilitating discussion with women’s groups to prepare the action plan.
    • Prepare planning format and hold pre-discussions with women’s groups to identify and plan conservation events and income generation activities.
    • Prepare format for a 5-year action plan aligning with the women’s groups’ constitution, including objectives, activities, timeframe, roles and responsibilities, tentative budget, and monitoring indicators.
  • Assessment and reporting
    • Prepare reports of the entire activity, including planning processes, capacity building training for institutional development of women’s group, facilitation provided to women’s groups in organizing conservation events, creating an action plan as well as learnings and adaptations made. Recommend necessary activities to be incorporated in SPNP-WWF supported activity for women engagement, focusing on sustainable engagement of the women’s groups
  • Agenda for capacity building for women’s group, including discussion facilitation for formation of a 5-year action plan and conservation event
  • Presentations for capacity building of women, including event management
  • Designed format for action plan, conservation event plan and completed formats with event plans
  • Participant lists, photos/videos for all events and sessions conducted and/or facilitated with women’s group
  • Financial report along with expenditure evidence as needed
  • Technical report on the overall agreement.
Expected Output 
  • Women’s group leaders have clarity of their roles and responsibilities, better understanding and use of financial skills, know when to hold meetings and keep meeting minutes, learning importance of women’s groups exemplifying that women groups are active in Mugu.
  • The women’s groups have created and have a comprehensive understanding of 5-year action plan.
  • Women’s groups have clarity over conservation events to be organized and have successfully organized an event or collaborative to conduct the event.
  • A leader from each women’s group is nominated, and a networking forum is created.
  • A comprehensive assessment of the status of women’s group following monitoring protocols.

For more information, visit World Wide Fund for Nature.

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