Call for Application: National Gender Youth Activists (Indonesia)
Deadline: 19-Feb-2024
UN Women has announced a call for applications for National Gender Youth Activists in Indonesia.
UN Women Indonesia focuses on (1) Inclusive human development through ending violence and discrimination against women and building women’s leadership to build sustainable peace (2) Advance value-added and transformative economy by supporting women’s economic empowerment (3) Gender-responsive approach to building climate resilience and disaster risk reduction (4) Using innovation and data to leverage gender responsive governance.
UN Women recognizes the youth engagement and their meaningful participation as central to the human rights-based approach to advocacy. The youth engagement and advocacy are also part of the process of empowering young people as rights-holders to demand their rights by creating an environment where they can both voice their concerns, ideas, and recommendations and be heard by decision-makers and duty-bearers.
In relation to this, UN Women Indonesia mobilizes young feminists and advocates for gender equality from all over Indonesia to amplify their voice, agency, and leadership on local, national, regional, and global level through “National Gender Youth Activists” in 1-year period. 6 activists will be chosen to represent young people, 2 for each thematic work: Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW), Women Economic Empowerment (WEE), and Governance, Peace, and Resilience (GPR) to share their perspectives and lived experiences in the overall UN Women youth outreach and thematic activities.
Proposed Engagement
- National Gender Youth Activists (NGYA) is a 1-year voluntary work with minimum 60% involvement. Travel and accommodation to conferences, forums, online and offline meetings may be provided by UN Women Indonesia to support the work of NGYAs, if needed.
- NGYAs will be invited to share their expertise, lived experiences, and opinions during planning, implementation, and monitoring of specific UN Women activities.
- NGYAs will plan, implement, and monitor their own NGYAs Project at the end of their term.
- NGYAs will receive Award Certificate at the end of their term.
Eligibility Criteria
- UN Women Indonesia will select 6 youth gender activists, 2 for each thematic work: Ending Violence Against Women, and Governance, Peace and Resilience. The application criteria are as follows:
- Young people aged 17-30 years.
- Motivation to take part in the program.
- Proven track-record of leading or working with young people on one of the thematic areas:
- Ending Violence Against Women.
- Women Economic Empowerment (including skills development for employment and entrepreneurship).
- Governance, Peace, and Resilience (including women political participation, women in peace, and disaster resilience).
- Capacity and desire to contribute to the gender equality agenda at the national, regional, and international level.
- Priorities will be given to women human rights defenders, rural women, indigenous women, gender minority youth, youth from ethnic minority/religious minority group, women with disabilities, child widows, child brides, women living with HIV, domestic workers, migrant and refugee women, women forced to leave school, and women in conflict and post-conflict communities.
- Willing to participate in virtual/personal discussions at regional and global levels (Beijing+30, Gender Equality Forum, Youth Task Force and Youth2030, Commission on the Status of Women 68).
- Young people who do not speak English are also encouraged to apply.
For more information, visit UN Women.